Qantas names new IT head

Qantas names new IT head

Robert Marcolina now group executive strategy, transformation and IT, reporting to CEO, Alan Joyce

Qantas' executive manager, Robert Marcolina, has been promoted to a role that includes IT, following a shake up of the airline's executive team.

Marcolina is now group executive strategy, transformation and IT, and is reporting to Qantas Group CEO, Alan Joyce rather than CFO, Gareth Evans under the previous structure.

Marcolina has been with the airline since 2012 as executive manager of group strategy. Prior to this role, he was a partner at Bain & Company in the United States and Australia.

A spokesperson at Qantas told CIO that Luc Hennekens' role as CIO remains unchanged following the restructure. From March, he will report to Marcolina rather than Gareth Evans, the spokesperson said.

Marcolina's promotion, which adds IT to his existing portfolio of strategy and transformation, makes sense given the more strategic role that Hennenkens wants IT to play, the spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, Evans has been promoted to CEO of Qantas International and Freight, under the changes to the leadership team.

Andrew David has also been promoted to CEO of Qantas Domestic. He was formerly the COO of Qantas Airways.

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