Stories by Sue Bushell

Emerging Tools Key To Gov 2.0

A new report from Quocirca concludes social networking can help public sector bodies foster greater citizen participation in democratic processes

Written by Sue Bushell21 Feb. 08 10:18

Rigor Growing in Digital Government Research

Digital government research is going on all over the world, but the scientific rigor of the work done to date has been extremely patchy

Written by Sue Bushell07 Feb. 08 05:24

Ticked Off at Tick the Box Mentality

Does your executive search firm know its MIS managers from its elbow? Does it even know the difference between an MIS manager and a CIO, and if it does, can it explain that difference to its corporate clients?

Written by Sue Bushell04 Feb. 08 13:01

Blog: Mining For Gems

CIOs that haven't yet begun to capitalize on Web 2.0 technologies to mine for those hidden gems in the newly available data that can give the business a compelling comparative advantage are in danger of seriously missing the boat

Written by Sue Bushell25 Jan. 08 10:35

Toxic Mix or Bit of a Mixed Blessing?

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog . . . " The inter-generational office brew of Boomer, Gen X and Gen Y may not be quite as odious as that of the three witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth, but even so it makes "for a charm of powerful trouble"

Written by Sue Bushell31 Dec. 07 10:36

British Government Turns Green

Public sector bodies in the UK will soon be forced to reduce their carbon footprints under new environmental legislation passed this year.

Written by Sue Bushell20 Dec. 07 12:18

Blog: Ask Me No Questions and I'll Tell You....Nothing

As CIOs have been evolving into business leaders over the past five years, too many have failed to ask the right questions, according to Fred Gattelaro, who leads a US-based full-service business and technology consulting firm called West Monroe Partners

Written by Sue Bushell14 Dec. 07 13:25

Audit Finds Cuba 2 Fit for Purpose

A report has declared Cuba 2, the database supporting the administration of the Child Support Scheme, fit for purpose but still recommends the Child Support Agency identify and address weaknesses in its data quality control systems.

Written by Sue Bushell13 Dec. 07 11:27

9 Paths to Higher Performance

Like high-achieving individuals, some organizations seem to have the Midas touch. Virtually every initiative they touch earns them gold and even those that fail never seem to cost them much of anything at all

Written by Sue Bushell10 Dec. 07 14:09

Caveat Emptor 2.0

It all plays out with monotonous regularity: a new product, medium, business model or industry emerges and the clanking sound you hear is that of thousands of feet jumping one after another onto the same bandwagon

Written by Sue Bushell10 Dec. 07 13:08

Public Sector Missing Out on BI

The public sector's failure to invest in business intelligence is likely to seriously impede government efforts to modernize services, according to Butler Group senior research analyst Sarah Burnett.

Written by Sue Bushell06 Dec. 07 12:14

Blog: Figuring Out What We Don't Know We Don't Know

Former US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld famously said before the Iraq war began "Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know."

Written by Sue Bushell05 Dec. 07 12:27

For The Record

In the digital age it will take a convergence of change in law, technology and business practice to ensure that government records have the authenticity and permanence.

Written by Sue Bushell29 Nov. 07 11:01